brand new wife of a truck driver

by steph

basically we been together for 6 years.and he just went on road truck do i do this?

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Oct 18, 2011
New to this
by: Anonymous

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2+ years. Have lived together for 1 year. He is finishing up with trucking school. I cannot imagine what it is going to be like if he chooses to go OTR. Why is this the only option for new drivers? Why is there no possibility of training locally and doing local work? This is crazy. I am a nurse and when I graduated I didn't have to travel to hospitals around the country to train. A road is a road...why is the only option to go away for months? He has not even gone away yet and I am already in tears thinking about what it will be like. He doesn't want to go away either, but needs a job. I don't feel like we are going to be able to get through this and it's not fair to me. I am so upset. Does anyone else feel this way? Is there something wrong with me?

Apr 03, 2011
give it time
by: ontario girl

wow, been there and it's still rough. It can work if you already have a strong relationship, it really can.
Ask yourself if this is the life you "can" be okay with, eventually. Do you have a loving, mature relationship where you both communicate ? Respect, trust, confidence ? If yes, I'd say you can learn to really like it. If not, hang on, you're in for a roller coaster of a ride. Alot of soul searching, talks with gf's, crying late at night, fights every couple of weeks. If the relationship was good before it will remain and you will grow closer and stronger. You will gain confidence in yourself, learn new skills, become creative in ways to fill your days, improve your friendships... it can be pretty great... al in your outlook !

good luck !

Mar 19, 2011
one minute at a time.....
by: Anonymous

Welcome to the world of being a trucker's wife. One of the hardest jobs you will ever have in your life. There will be great days, and there will be days when you just want to scream at the world. My best advice is just remember the sacrifice your husband is making for his family. My best advice for you is to take it one moment at a time. Hold on to the love and the happiness in your family. You will need that through the hard times.

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