Being a truckers wife..

by Jessica Clement
(Owensboro, KY, USA )

Before I met my husband, I never really knew the lifestyle of being a "truckers wife." The lonely nights.. the worry every day if he's safe..
In the beginning of our relationship, it was terrible!

I cried when he left (and I still do), I would blow his phone up with calls/messages.. we have a daughter (his stepdaughter) & it was very difficult for her to understand why her dad was leaving so much & why he is gone for so long..

4 years later, we are still going strong.. he is usually gone 2-3 weeks at a time & home for up to 3 days.

He sacrifices so much for his family, spends lonely nights traveling the highways.. wishing he could be home in our arms.. and I am truly blessed..

For those who are starting a new life with a trucker, my advice to you would be.. always support him in EVERYTHING he does. Don't get upset or argue with him when he's on the road.. because believe me, he/she wants to be home every night just like you want them home.

And it is hard at first & it does get somewhat easier. It's a Rollercoaster ride (to me anyways) because you never know what's going to happen.. there are times (with my trucker) he says "I'll be home this weekend & has already been gone for 3 weeks) and I get the phone call I dread..

I will not make it because something came up.. either with a load, he's out of hours of driving or he can't get unloaded till the following Monday.

There are SEVERAL support groups for people whose spouse(s) are drivers..

Basically, support him.. be there for him when he needs you.. answer the phone when he calls.. even if you guys just sit on the phone and just listen to each other breathe, my husband has told me he just loves knowing I'm on the other end of the line.. and that goes for me as well..

Stay faithful, be honest & treat then as you would a husband/wife that is home with you every night & every weekend.

I'll always be a truckers wife & I'll always be here for him..

God bless each & every one of you! And to the ones that do have loved ones of the road, God Bless them as well & stay safe out there truckers..

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Apr 16, 2016
Thank You from a Trucker!
by: Anonymous

What you have is the precious prescription for any spouse of Trucker including for the Ladies on the road. I have called my Wife talked for a while, and we have even listened to what was on the radio together via Bluetooth. Listening to songs that are from different stations from where you call home, is a great way to stay connected by Hearts.

She would also just listen to the sounds of the truck in the cab, as I am going down the road, and she would imagine being here with me. Spouses for your Lover to come home, reassuring the security of a relationship is vital, the road only gets longer when you think someone else is in your bed.

There is equal dread at the thought of coming home to find some other body is in a place that is supposed to be prepared for the one who has made equal sacrifice for the family, and goals.

Apr 16, 2016
Thank You from a Trucker!
by: Anonymous

What you have is the precious prescription for any spouse of Trucker including for the Ladies on the road. I have called my Wife talked for a while, and we have even listened to what was on the radio together via Bluetooth.

Listening to songs that are from different stations from where you call home, is a great way to stay connected by Hearts. She would also just listen to the sounds of the truck in the cab, as I am going down the road, and she would imagine being here with me.

Spouses for your Lover to come home, reassuring the security of a relationship is vital, the road only gets longer when you think someone else is in your bed.

There is equal dread at the thought of coming home to find some other body is in a place that is supposed to be prepared for the one who has made equal sacrifice for the family, and goals.

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