Being a Truckers Wife is The Hardest Job You will EVER Love

by Enid Neel
(East Helena, MT USA)

I have been married to a truck driving man for over 20 years. We have done OTR, together and apart. We raised two amazing kids and we own our own trucks. Trucking is a wearing occupation. It is long hours of isolation, not enough sleep and long hours. It is hard.

Being at home trying to be tough, raise the kids, do all his chores and mine. Fix the things that always break when he is gone. This is my job..and its hard too.I love my husband, and trucks, and our life...but we both have to work at being understanding everyday.

{Sometimes, you can't explain on the phone how tired and frustrated and angry you are...and sometimes you shouldn't try. } We just have to know the other is doing their best in a hard situation, without expecting too much.

We can't 'should' on people. It can be easy to be sitting in a truck thinking your wife is at home spending all the money you are working hard to earn and living the good life. In truth, you probably don't realize how much food and diapers cost...or how much time she spends picking the same lego off the floor. Or cleaning urp out of the carpet. You probably don't have a clue how many times she wakes up in a cold sweat because she dreamed your truck went off a cliff...and she never will tell you.

Just know that you are loved...and make sure you tell her how much you love her. She has to store those words and snuggles up against a whole lot of hard days and cold nights. If you want to chat more I have some articles at .

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