Bad MVR no jobs will hire no dui, no at fault accidents

by D.Pizzle
(Trenton, nj mercer county )

Hi I'm D , although I've got about two yrs exp with a class A from OTR/Regional/local . I'm currently having a hard time finding a trucking job because of my past MVR and its screwing up my ability to take care of my family I'm a newly wed and I haven't even made it in to my second year of marriage yet and already in the hole hear smh.

Anyone know of any companies who hire on case to case basis ? Even smaller LLC companies.

I'm out of the northeast region Trenton ,nj to be exact I can give further details if contacted via email or cell at ( ). (609-672-1954) ... Thanks

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Feb 18, 2017
by: Anonymous

Best to submit some online applications then follow with a phone call in a couple of days.
Carolina Cargo
Carolina Logistics
One driver posted he couldn't find a job after cdl school because of many tickets in New York City while driving a cab. He made about 50 calls on Craigslist and an owner-operator hired him to haul produce from California to Hunts Point; now making good money.

Feb 18, 2017
Smaller Companies Will Might Hire You
by: Hervy

Take a read on this page D.

How to find smaller and midsized trucking companies that will hire you

It depends on how old and repetitive your offenses are. Case by case will help if you have improved. Not if you're repeating the same offenses.

Also if you recognize what needed to change instead of when asked pointing the finger to other reasons for the charges.

So that all of those things into account if you haven't already.

Best of luck. Let us know how things turn out. Also if you care to share, mention the offenses and how old or recent.

That might let someone know how to respond to your inquiry more specifically or not based on the companies they are aware of.


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