Am I an employee or independent contractor

by leroy
(kennesaw ga)

Im a dumptruck driver in GA driving my bosses truck. I get paid hourly and they supply my tools,equipment and supplies,set my hrs. I think they are saying independant contractor but treating me as a employee. So what am I?

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Jun 28, 2016
independent contractor or employee???
by: Anonymous

My employer also tells me what time I need to be at the job or plant. I drive his truck and also I help work on them. He supplies everything like cellphones, pens, stapler,staples,fuel,drinks,time sheet,etc...

I also get payed hourly and get a check on Fridays. We have mandatory meetings and they expect me to be on call all the time.

If I have to be on the job at 6:00pm and something broke at the plant and we are on hold we can not leave. so I do think i am a employee And they do not give 1099's and they also don't show the irs that they even have employee(there's 5) so what is going on

Feb 04, 2015
employee or contractor?
by: Anonymous

Go to and search for "independent contractor". There are criteria that must be strictly adhered to in order for you to be a "1099" employee.

Otherwise, your employer must count you as an employee and contribute to your Social Security and Medicare accounts, as well as withhold taxes on your behalf.

Feb 03, 2015
by: Anonymous

but you get a 1099 right?

you got to pay your own taxes.

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Am I an employee or independent contractor?

This is a question I have for a college class, and cannot find the answer.Can someone help me please?

Working for a company for 6 years that pays commission on deliveries and pickups, lease a truck from them, choose my own 10 hour shift with no control on how these services are carried out.

Company can terminate the arrangement after 30 days notice, but allows its truckers to quite immediately without giving advance notice.

Reports our income by issuing form 1099-MISC. We must maintain a commercial driver's license. IRS says I am an independent contractor and subject to self-employment tax.

I disagree and say I am an employee. Who is right and why?

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Feb 02, 2016
1099 misc
by: Anonymous

that still did not answer the question if i work for a company get paid by the load and my company pays nothing into taxes and and social security but gives me a 1099 misc how am i an independent contractor its their truck and any mishaps or etc i am charged out of my check

May 11, 2015
IRS regs - the final say
by: Anonymous

The IRS is very clear about this. The two distinct differences between a contractor and an employee is the dictation of hours. If your employer tells you to work x hours on x days, then you are an employee.

If not and you have the flexibility to work your own hours and days then they can 1099 you as a contractor (some employers may opt to still consider you as an employee, but it is at their discretion and really does not benefit them to do so).

On another note: you cannot be both. For example, you cannot work as an employee and on the side do work for the same company that you are then 1099'ed for.

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