Are truck drivers open to help hitchhikers?

by EJL
(London KY)

I was thinking of ways to get across the country cheap. Would a truck driver with an open spot let you ride with him?

If so how much would you say ?

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Nov 18, 2014
NO Bueno!!!! NEW
by: Truckin Wife

My husband and I drive together and I can tell you that everywhere we go we see people with "help me get to "wherever" signs....its not a good idea. Most truckers will pass you by and those that would pick you up YOU may not want to trust. The 60's are over dude. buy a bus ticket and get where you're going. that's my advice.

Nov 18, 2014
NO Bueno!!!! NEW
by: Truckin Wife

My husband and I drive together and I can tell you that everywhere we go we see people with "help me get to "wherever" signs....its not a good idea. Most truckers will pass you by and those that would pick you up YOU may not want to trust. The 60's are over dude. buy a bus ticket and get where you're going. that's my advice.

Sep 08, 2014
Nope NEW
by: Anonymous

Not anymore, If i have a passenger I have to have proof of insurance for that passenger. Cops will ask for this insurance if you get pulled over.

when my girl goes with me as a company driver i have to fill out insurance forms monthly for her to ride.
I also have to pay the premium.

As far as owner operators go I am sure they still must have insurance for the passenger. dangerous world out there good luck

Sep 08, 2014
by: Anonymous

not recommended. some states outlawed hitch hiking a number of years ago. they think most who do this are prostitutes. yes even males do this act. so either way it is unsafe. there are freaks in every profession and many homosexuals in trucking. there are several serial killers who were truck drivers as well. you can look that one up yourself - mostly torture.

Sep 08, 2014
Hitching NEW
by: TruckerYitz

It used to be a common thing. It's still done but most companies do not let the driver have any passengers at all!!

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