Are there jobs to be had while on the road for a non driving wife?

by Katrina Miller
(Huntsville, AL)

My husband is an owner/operator for a major trucking company. I would love to stop working here at home and join him on the road. However, we could not pay all our bills just based on his income.

Does anyone know of jobs (computer or otherwise) that are available for a non driving wife while on the road?

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Feb 23, 2011
Extra income ?
by: Jimmy

It would just about have to be some kind of computer work, but, what kind is the ?. You don't always have internet service available and sometimes it's very slow. That could hamper any computer work. Most "work at home" on line user also need a landline back-up, in case you need to communicate with management, no fail.

You could think about doing crafts/sewing/knitting type stuff and sell it as you travel around via the CB radio etc. Jewelry might work also. Jimmy

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