Are Female Truck drivers in any danger on the road

by Kay
(Doon, IA)

Hi. I am working on becoming a truck driver. I am a 41 year old female. I am concerned about the safety of women truck drivers at truck stops (you know when you have to stop and /or sleep for 10 hours.)

Is a woman safe out there?

Do the men keep to themselves or do they bother a woman?

Is it safe to walk to the truck stop building to use the bathroom in the wee hours of the morning?

What problems do women have out there, besides the CB?

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Jun 21, 2016
are you safe ?
by: Anonymous

I have been a driver for 36 yrs and you do have some real but heads out there but for the most part most drivers really try to keep to themselves and do there job in all my years I have not had any problem anywhere it's fairly safe just make sure to lock your doors at night and you will be just fine.

Jun 21, 2016
Safe parking for trucks
by: Anonymous

I have been out here for 4 yrs, never had any issues. However I don't ever stop in Memphis or st Lewis for fuel let alone do a 10 there. Big city's your not getting parking at night anyway so if you can shut down before or after you save your self a lot of stress.

I don't walk in any ts at night if I got to get a early start I move the truck up too fuel island before I even consider getting out.

Mar 23, 2015
Never had and trouble as a female driver for years
by: Anonymous

I am a woman driver. Been driving for years. I have NEVER had any trouble anywhere I've been. But I am also very cautious. I don't get out of my truck after dark. I use the restroom before I go down for the night.

As soon as I park I pull my curtains. I've only had one scare in Atlanta GA. It's was daylight. Some man followed me around inside truck stop then to my truck. I called security.

I've never felt the need to carry mass or anything. Just be confident but be cautious. Most of the men out here are kind. Like to flirt like to talk but harmless.

I also stay out of big city truck stops for the most part. Once you get out here you will learn your truck stops and what ones you prefer over others. Good luck!!!

Jul 07, 2012
No more danger than walking any street late at night
by: Anonymous

Hi ! well a truck stop is like any other place, one needs to always be on the lookout, even as a male.. No more danger than walking any street late at night.

There is good and bad in everyone and you will find there are more good guys in this profession than the image that has been portrayed by Hollywood thru the years..

Just as in your everyday walk, always keep a eye out.. Ken

Jan 12, 2010
Safety of Female Truckers Over the Road
by: Hervy

Hello Kay,

I Agree with Jimmy a little bit about needing to be aware of your surroundings anywhere you go nowadays trucking or not. But Jimmy got the truck stop sounding like a jungle of wild animals!:-)
(we have these different views sometimes, that's why we are such a good team!)

In my opinion I don't think you have to be any more alarmed than that when you become a trucker as a woman. Just use common sense. Don't park in dark places by your self (the only truck there). I would have mase with me since in case you get broke down in a place out in the boon docks.

And the pro active actions that Jimmy suggested will definitely accomplished making people think that your not alone which would mean your likely to be safer. I just don't want you to think every truck stop is so dangerous that all that is necessary for your survival.

The only truck stops that are so bad that I would suggest you do all that for your safety would be pretty easy to put in that category. Run down, poorly maintained or noticeable people walking around the lot that don't look like they belong there. Or in the middle of a run down neighborhood where these types or people are likely to show up there because you would assume that they are right around the corner.

Other than being in a truck stop that projects that type of image, I am pretty sure you are as safe as a man while over the road.

Like was stated you definitely have to deal with inappropriate CB talk but that will be your biggest issue.

I know lately there were some stories about some lunatic killing women and what not and I never heard the full report on whether the guy was believed to be a trucker or if it just happened at truck stops. This type of thing has happened but your talking a hundreds of thousands of drivers and maybe 4 or 5 of those types of incidents that I ever heard of. That's about the chances of you hitting the lottery and some of those cases probably came about with the victim using poor judgment in the first place.

Visit this page and listen to what these lady truckers have to say about life as a lady trucker.
women in trucking

Jan 07, 2010
The real world.
by: Jimmy

Hi Kay, You need to be careful WHEREVER you go alone, right? The mall, the grocery store, the airport. Unfortunately, a lot of male truck drivers are Don Juans and think women alone on the road are easy prey.

But, most of it is just crude talk, (guess they weren't raised right). One piece of advice is always make any guy think your "Hubby" is just nearby. As an example, when leaving the truck, verbally say and wave goodbye to the truck.

Have your cell phone to your ear and be "talking" to someone as you walk along. Firmly say no to any advances right up front. DO NOT lead any guy along.

If you're basically just a good ol'friendly country girl, consider changing your ways. It is necessary to survive. Jimmy

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