Are background checks for truck driving jobs done before you receive your pre-hire or after?

Trucker driving across truck stop

Trucker driving across truck stop

Are background checks done before you receive your pre-hire or after?

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Jan 11, 2023
Getting a truck driving job pre-hire letter
by: The Crazy Trucker

You can easily get a pre-hire letter before doing or completing a background check. You might even start the truck driving job before the background check is complete.

All of this is well and good if you have a clean background. You will likely keep trucking.

However, if you lie on your application about a record just to get a pre-hire or get hired, once they check they will likely fire you for lying about your record.

However, if you tell the truth, just because you have a record it won't automatically disqualify you from getting a truck driving job.

So it's best to find out which trucking companies will hire you with your background and then tell the truth on the application.

Choosing a Trucking Company

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