Anyone Know Who This Is?

by Alicia

Is anyone familiar with trucks/tankers that read "ChemTrans" or "Chem Trans" only on the side that drive through California?

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Mar 07, 2009
Chem Trans Tankers
by: Hervy

I think I remember seeing Chem Trans tankers but I don't know anything about them.

Feb 17, 2009
Alicia wants to know about ChemT
by: Jimmy

Hey Alicia, just off the top of my head, I may or may not have heard or seen ChemTrans trucks. What is it you need to know exactly? I seem to recall seeing vans with that name on the side with boocoo haz placards and chemical spill cleanup drums under carriage. There are tons of chemical haulers out of Wilmington/Port of Long Beach area using tankers. Jimmy

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