Anyone know about Budd Van Lines in Wisconsin?

by Hank
(Alpena, MI)

I live in MI and am thinking about commuting to Wisconsin if they hire me. Does anyone know if Budd Van Lines in Wisconsin leases their trucks or do they just hire drivers? Also, if I lease the truck what expenses am I responsible for? What is the general cost? Has anyone lived in another state and actually worked for a company elsewhere? I've been working for a moving company in MI and need a change.

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Apr 06, 2011
Budd Van Liines WI Branch
by: MSchepis

Hello, we do lease tractors. That infomation on leasing can be answered by our fleet department in N.J. 732-627-0600 Gerard.

Please contact me at 920-626-1013, I'm he GM in Neenah WI. We do have many drivers that lease from us and do live in other states.

Thank You

Jul 05, 2010
Budd Van Lines. maybe......
by: Jimmy

You should ask them if they hire drivers or L/O's. But if you lease, YOU pay everything, fuel, payment, insurance etc. Jimmy

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