Am i too old for a trucking job

by leroy

am 78 years old have been traveling around in my motorhomes but am now thinking of driver school I drove semi in the late 1950s and early 1960s am I to old

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Jan 14, 2019
Too old for trucking....NO NEW
by: Anonymous

There's drivers out here in their 80's driving big rigs.

Jan 14, 2019
The Biggest Test Will Be Your Health
by: Hervy

I would say if you are still driving around in your motor home and you have a clean bill of health, you will probably find a trucking job Leroy.

You can call some companies and see what kind of feedback you get.

Likely medium size companies near you might take you on if you go through trucking school first.

Best thing to do is call around and ask though.

If you want your wife to ride make sure you ask about riding policy. They've gotten stricter about that since you last drove.

Good Luck Leroy.

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