always lonely as a trucker's wife

by Megan
(Lincoln, NE)

Being a truck drivers wife is the hardest thing i do on a daily basis. i also come from a family that had a dad on the road all the time growing up. i don't have a real relationship with my father now. of course we see each other on holidays and things like that but i really don't know my dad and probably never will.

everyday is a struggle. we have 2 children that i have to get up early every morning for school and then work a full time job myself. come home make dinner, help with homework, do laundry, pay bills, community outings, sports activities by yourself, taking care of mowing the yard and taking the animals to the vet, and i could go on and on.

you are a single parent most of the time. i hate!!!!!!!!! but what do you do?? i get almost pissed when he has to leave again. i shouldn't feel that way cuz i know he is taking care of his family but are we really a family??

i feel horrible about myself for having these feelings and questions but they are things i think of. i don't want our children to have the relationship i have with my dad- none. i get tired, cranky, anxious, frustrated, moody, and sad. i know he is tired when he gets here so i still continue to do everything.

he is really good about resting for awhile and makes good attempts to do things as a family but i know how tired he is and that all he wants to do is sleep. i would rather have nothing at all and have him home then have him gone all the time.

i miss eating as a family, taking family walks, cuddling up on the couch and watching tv or holding hands while we talk to each other or just seeing his big brown eyes. i miss his smell, his kiss, his touch, his everything, climbing into our big bed all alone and reaching for him and him not being there.

i miss coming home to have a adult conversation and tell him how my day was and helping with dinner. i just miss him and us. what happened to us??? i don't really hang out much with my friends anymore. they all have their husbands around and don't understand what i go thru. i don't go out with them cuz they are all together and that just makes it worse for me.

i want to be held when the day has been stressful or when i need to vent to him about my job. i know it is hard on him too. i know this is not what he wants. he hates leaving us, he hates not being here to kiss me or hug his kids or missing important events. he hates hearing about it over the phone, you can hear it in his voice, you can hear when he is so tired and stressed himself.

if everyone knew the sacrifices the truck drivers and their families make so they can have those things in the stores to buy and the cars to buy and all the other things they haul. if they only knew!! thanks for listening.
always lonely.

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Feb 01, 2011
friend needed
by: Mary

Can you please contact me honey. I am a truckers wife too. Due to the bad economy. We have been married for almost 13 years and were each others first and only loves.

He has been out OTR for almost two years now...if a person could die from heartache I would have been dead a long time ago! I could really use a friend that knows what its like....

Sep 01, 2010
preparing for the future
by: Hervy

Megan, thanks for sharing that insight in the the lonely life of a trucker's wife.

I hope you guys are doing things to enable him to one day transition out of the truck over the road and make money at home.

Budget, save and plan.

Do you know shippers and receivers, traffic heads at companies? If you can get direct contracts for hauling freight maybe he should become an owner operator and spend more time at home after paying of equipment.

Or he could then share the truck part time with another part time driver or hire a full time driver.

What other skills or hobbies do you have. Maybe you can start a business and develop it while he is driving. Once the business is built up to making a profit he can come off the road and help to make it better.

Just make sure you two don't spend more time wishing things were different then you spend figuring out how to make things different and more in line with what you want for your future.

You have to set your goals for what you want and make it happen. There are solutions to all your problems.

The questions is will you settle for what you see now or will you seek ways to make your dreams a reality.

Go manifest a dream.

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