Always feeling neglected

by Cass Vino
(Ontario canada)

I have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years but he just recently started to drive fuel trucks.

He is usually gone from Thursday night to Sunday afternoon. When he is home, all we talk about is trucks. Whether it's about different models of trucks to how another truck driver is going through town.

He's constantly working on the truck when he isn't home, which is very often. And I work nights most of the time. Trying to get the morning shifts is impossible.

I feel so bad because I'm always mad at him for being gone. The last thing I want to do is leave him but sometimes when you're alone you just cry because you're tired of being alone.

I never thought it would be so hard to deal with this. Any helpful tips on how we can stay connected?

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Feb 01, 2014
Miles Away NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband and I have been together for nearly 20 years now. He became a trucker 3 years ago and is a team driver with a major company.
Anyways, we have always been close. We have worked the same jobs together. Have the same friends and have a daughter. His OTR is leaving Thurs and come home Tues.
But, I miss him. I miss him so much. Emotionally and physically. It seems as though everything has changed. Our lives has been turned upside down. I was doing OK for a while, then I saw some friends of ours get a divorce because of cheating. He was a truck driver too. And they are good friends.
I sit in my bedroom and watch TV, while he sits in the living room watching TV. We are miles apart from each other.
When he leaves, it like he is happy to go.
This is the best paying job he has ever had. He is round and excited that he can support his family without struggling week to week. But it seems as though he is paying a hefty price. I'm so scared of losing him. But Im worried that I've lost him already.

Oct 09, 2013
to commenter and get over it NEW
by: Anonymous

I agree with "get over it to an extent". It takes a strong person to stay with a trucker. It also takes a very secure person to last such a long time with a truck driver. However, "get over it" you could at least drop the attitude and be of some help and support for a women who may be struggling, and knowing SOME rime in your 36 years there was a time when you had a struggle and learned to deal with it.

To the original poster...being insecure with self can take a person to the deepest and cruelest part of the mind. If you can work on yourself first before you begin any relationship you will have better results. Time and patience will help you to heal and then you might be able to allow others to be who they are. We cannot change others and also we must not hold it in what bothers us about other people. Counseling is a good option at this point to help yourself out.

As for "commenter". I hear your statement a lot of times that truckers pay is no good. I am sorry you feel that way and do you have any facts to support your claim? I live in an $800,000.00 dollar home with all the amenities, drive a nice car, take beautiful vacations with my trucker husband, have the most exciting Holidays together and we have been married 25 years.

Of course in the beginning money is tight...but what job in the beginning makes you rich? Let's learn how to think before we speak this would make the world a much better place to live in!

From a very secure and happy truckers wife..:)

Oct 08, 2013
To the "get over it" commenter NEW
by: Anonymous

That's you opinion! If you like to be with someone that is never home and makes crap for money than good for you! You are the one that's selling yourself short.
Best of luck to you in the future

Oct 08, 2013
Get over it! NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't feel sorry for you! I have been married to my trucker husband for 36 years & our marriage is still strong & we stay connected thru conversations by phone & Skype. I think your problems started way before he did trucking! I think he is trying to tell you that he finds trucks & trucking more interesting than being with you! If I were you, get out & I hope you find a better catch in your future than what you are with now & my mother always had this philosophy that sometimes it is better to be alone than having someone that makes you feel alone & unhappy! & to the previous comment or that I have to disagree with you that being with a truck driver SUCKS! It takes 2 to tango! I am very happy with being with my truck driver husband!

Oct 08, 2013
Sorry NEW
by: Anonymous

Sorry to say this but it's best you just leave now. I know you love him but take it from me...being with a truck driver totally sucks!!!!!!!!!

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