almost alone in arizona

by Tara
(phoenix Arizona)

I married a man who is 12 years younger than me he is a gentle hard working man he would do anything I ask of him.

My husband is employed doing exactly what he loves to do except for a few things for example.....

1.Being with me his wife he would love for me to ride along with him but I would grow tired of not contributing financially

2.The ability to see his young children from a past relationship (cannot go into details of reason)

3.the ability to come home often to enjoy what he is driving all those miles for

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Jul 23, 2018
Making money while on the road.
by: Anonymous

If your husband wants you to ride along with him, you better go.
Take a laptop computer and do some day trading when the truck is shut down for breaks and layovers.

Go to a book store or Amazon and buy a couple of books on day trading, such as "Day Trading For Dummies" and a couple of others.

Jul 22, 2018
Develop a plan
by: Hervy

Tara like i always say, that migjt be the current situation but make sure to put a plan in place that moves you to the life that you desire.

You could start an online business now so that you can ride and still contribute.

Or you could learn the freight brokering side and he could get his own authority later. You find the loads and broker forbthe company. Company pays you a salary.

Then he could come home more after truck is paid for. Or just grind hard for say 5 years as the online business builds. (Or whatever business ideas u might have).

Many different ways to plan it out but the point is dont be frustrated too much about how it is.

Focus on how to make it how you want it to be.

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