all about being a drive wife

by sallymacneil

i think this is the site ,u have posted my advise a couple of times.

I'm a trucker wife for 49 yrs. He is in nfld tonight i fell ,ihave bone disease, while i was talking to him ,i have not told him yet ,paramedics came i broke my leg and arm handled it ,talked to him and wished him good nite ,will tel him tomorrow ,after the fact , all ways spare him.

He can do nothing ,about it at fifteen,hundred,miles away awful speller love sally macneil ,hi five to all drivers salt of our earth

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Oct 04, 2012
by: Anonymous

There comes a point in life when you must think of yourself. Right now and at your age you should be thinking about you! Do you really think it is healthy for you to continue to sacrifice yourself so you wont worry some one else? This is totally self defeating behavior. So you think it is okay for you to suffer like this? After 49 years of driving did this husband save money to retire? Is he gonna drive until he drops and then where will that leave you? He must be at least 70 by now?

Om my gosh, I feel sorry for you and to think you must fear him so much that you don't have the courage to tell him you have broken bones?? mmmmm

May God Bless you and find someone who will take care of you Mind, Body, and Soul.

I will pray for you.

Oct 03, 2012
by: Hervy

Hello Sally,

Glad to see you in good spirit. Hope you heal up fast.

I don't know about your husband, but as a man, I know I would want to know of your injuries immediately.

Although, I see your point of him not being able to do anything about it. The way he will take it depends on his own personality though.

If he is offended or disappointed by not being told earlier, I think you want to be sure to communicate to him WHY you didn't tell him.

I you don't do this, he make take it as you not thinking enough of him to inform him.

Take care of yourself

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