Agree or disagree??

by Erica a truckers wife!

There really needs to be a show on TV about truckers and their families, so the world has more understanding and appreciation for what our truckers do! What do you guys think?

Comments for Agree or disagree??

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Aug 26, 2014
agree NEW
by: Anonymous

Agree they have no idea what we go through

May 20, 2013
tv show NEW
by: cora

I agree

May 20, 2013
tv show NEW
by: cora

I agree

Jan 29, 2013
okay NEW
by: Anonymous

you do make a good point..this may change my mind after all! :)

Jan 29, 2013
Reality show on truckers lives.... NEW
by: Anonymous

I say yes. The world needs to know that the majority of truckers are decent family men (or women) just trying to make an honest living and pay the bills. They do their very best to be safe and to get home to their families. The show needs to highlight as well what home life is like. It needs to showcase what the wives and children experience. This is a very difficult lifestyle, and it's about time people realize the trials, the hazards they (the viewers who know nothing about trucks)may cause in their cars, such as improper merging, etc. A show like this could literally save lives, and possibly even marriages if done properly! It may open the eyes of husbands who don't really understand how this occupation impacts their families. I see great potential in this idea!

Jan 29, 2013
no NEW
by: Anonymous

We have enough drama going on in this lifestyle, and with the way they are always making the truckers look like the bad guys alone on this site we don't need anyone else stiring up the B.S.!!!

Thanks but no thanks!! :(

Jan 29, 2013
kool NEW
by: Godsgirlisreal

good idea

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