after spinal fusion surgery can i drive my 6 axle dump truck

by mike
(portsmouth ohio)

Can i go back to driving my 6 axle dump truck after i get a spinal fusion surgery?

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Jun 17, 2015
L3-L4 Spinal Fusion Fast track recovery
by: Anonymous

Thank you guys. I have been searching for 7 weeks for that answer. I had a L3 L4 spinal fusion 7 weeks ago and can pass a DOT Physical today. I only want to drive a small rollback truck local. I will ask my doctor at my 3 month check up when he thinks it will be possible.

By the way I've had no complications after surgery and the chronic pain I was in before is gone. Thanks to God, the men and women adding good remarks on spinal fusion recovery and me willing to put into action an effective core/back exercise program with a 10 lb weight starting at 4:30 am every morning.

My doctor said at 57 years old I am in very good shape and to stay the course.

Feb 07, 2014
Sure, why not ?
by: Jimmy

If the Doc clears you and you have your medical card, yes you can. But you need to feel OK, after all it's your body, right ? Jimmy

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