
by Jimmy
(Greensboro, NC, Guilford)

Can you take adderall if prescribed by an MD, and you are upfront with the disclosure of you taking it for ADD?

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Nov 04, 2019
Truckers and stimulants
by: Anonymous

My friend died today from adderall he was 38 a truck driver they found him 2 days later , I would highly recommend not taking drugs period. It’s not worth it to put in extra miles he left 3 kids and a wife behind.

Dec 07, 2011
prescription drugs NEW
by: Hervy

Thanks for coming back and filling us in Jimmy. I figured it was pretty much a grey area with a green light. :-)

Dec 07, 2011
Adderall NEW
by: Jimmy

Thanks Hervy,
I did a lot of research prior to posting the question, and what I found was this:
-If pulled over, and a cop thinks you look fishy, and you admit to him what your on, YOU CAN get a DUI on it even if you have a prescription for it, and its been cleared through your company and DOT.
- Another man said, "I take Adderall for ADD which is basically the helps smooth out the rough edges...and I haven't had a problem finding work. I worked for ----------- and they wanted a letter from the prescribing doctor stating it would not affect my driving abilities. My current company just needed to verify that it was a prescription and I was good to go, so if you and your doctor think you will be OK, you should be fine. I called the DOT when I first started taking the med and the person I talked to said the only thing they were concerned about was illegal drugs."
- Advice given on a forum: "Call a trucking company in your area, and ask them who does their DOT Physicals, and also ask if they have a local MRO... Medical Review Officer, who will be a MD or Osteopath, who can best answer your questions."
- Another gentleman that went through a trucking company had the below experience:
I passed the physical, didnt take it for a week so i passed the drug test. Told the doctor I take it, gave her my doctors note that stated I was more than capable of driving a truck for extended periods OTR or local. 3 days later the company personnel gave me a greyhound ticket back home.

- Another person actually pulled the documentation from the DOT website and he says that: As long as it is prescribed by a doctor for a diagnosed medical condition, your doctor certifies that it won't have an adverse effect on your driving, and you inform your employer, it should be OK.

Federal Motor Carrier Regulations state:

§382.213 Controlled substances use.

(a) No driver shall report for duty or remain on duty requiring the performance of safety-sensitive functions when the driver uses any controlled substance, except when the use is pursuant to the instructions of a licensed medical practitioner, as defined in §382.107, who has advised the driver that the substance will not adversely affect the driver’s ability to safely operate a commercial motor vehicle.

I think it depends on how you go about it, and with which company you go through. The DOT will clear you, if you have a letter from your Doctor saying it won't impair your driving. But the company my never hire you, or they may not have any problem with it. I know that I have to stop taking it, because in order for the trucking school I'm going to, to accept me, I have to be off of the stuff, because the financing company doesn't want to give financing to student that is high risk for job denial.

Nov 23, 2011
I have asked 3 dr offices NEW
by: Hervy

I called to 3 medical offices and asked the question. The last was Primecare on Highpoint rd. she was supposed to research the answer and call me back. You many want to call her direct, because I think once she found out that I was not considering to come in and take the test she might not call me back with the answer.

If she does i will post it.

You can easily call other primecare there and ask and someone should be able to come up to an answer.

If you find out first please come back and let us know what you find out Jimmy, thanks.


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