Absence makes the heart grow fonder

by Amy Delahanty
(Surprise, AZ )

I'm a newbie in every sense of the word....newlywed and new to my hubby being on the road. Right now he is away at training and has been out of my reach for 6 weeks, he wont even be home for another 6 weeks.

I was so used to him being near me that now he is out of my arms and its so hard. He makes sure to reassure me and calls me every second of everyday. Every girl wants to hear he man tell her "I love you" and "I'm thinking of you" a billion times a day.

I know that right now this is the hard part, not being together every moment, and I know its going to get harder but I told him I will take 4 days a month compared to not having him at all! I love u baby!!

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Mar 06, 2011
Keep that attitude and be proactive
by: Hervy

Hi Amy,

What a lovely attitude. He's lucky. Now if you can just keep it going! lol

Make sure you just keep yourself in that positive space and be proactive with keeping the relationship charged, I think you two will be fine.

Take a listen at Keith and Jennifer to know more of what to expect and how to deal with it here.
You might want to get Hubby to listen to Keith and Larry also, that will help him to be proactive in keeping the relationship charged also.

Good luck. Also look at the advice I gave Jose
Advice for married truckers and wives

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