by chanelle
(Laurinburg, North Carolina, US)

Well,I'd like to start this story off by saying that I am extremely happy with my fiance's employment choice, but I am not. I see my fiance' once a month, if that and it can be very frustrating. I am so not content with my situation. Worried that he is okay out there, but also holding down the home while he is away has been a roller coaster.

I miss this man dearly and he expects for me to understand that this is his job. I wouldn't be so hurt if he would at least understand my insecurities. I also worry about other woman out there at the truck stops.

I already have a hard time dealing with jealousy in the real world, but jealousy in the life of a truckers wife is for real. I mean, we all have needs and I am always wondering if he cheats on me? I understand that all men don't cheat, but being a truckers wife and you see them less and less gives the mind time to wonder.

This is really rough for he and I right now because we are getting married soon and there are so many doubts in my mind. Not to mention holidays come and go. Those times like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthday's are a drag. I am very disappointed that I can't spend special days with him.

He doesn't understand these thoughts I have,but I'm just hanging in there because I love him.

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Jan 05, 2016
by: Nash

First off Channel trukstops arent what you imagine,depending on the carrier your future husband drives for,most allow passengers so take a vacation and share that time to share his life style..if he loves u,then he wil show over time how much u and your relationship wil grow.there are local driving jobs,gas tanker,specialized transportation..OTR is a lifestyle,which takes a strong team effort at home,yet can offer higher wages if planned right..good luck and always listen,no mate injoys that doubt of love,p.s. thirty days OTR should equal 4-6days at home...HONESTLY FAITHFUL

Jan 04, 2016
Employment Choice doesn't have to be permanent
by: Hervy

I can't tell if he was doing this when you 2 met or not.

Either way, it seems you have communicated your dissatisfaction with his job. Unless you were laughing when you said it, hard not to understand you are not happy.

That being said, how employable is he in other fields. Because if he has no options then that tells a story and also calls for action if anything is to change.

If you guys aren't married, it is a good time to talk about what the future will be like. You need to ask him, what is his vision for the relationships in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years.

If your desires and his is not a match, that is some serious reality check and discussion. I mean think about it.

If you both don't want him to be on the road long term, then he doesn't have to be. He can be training for another career while on the road. Also, he could really hustle, save money (assuming you have minimum bills) buy a truck, stack money invest it a business venture that you guys build over the next few years prior to him leaving and when he leaves from trucking continue with building the business.

In other words, this doesn't have to be a lifelong endeavor. You guys can choose to make it temporary and then plan according to that.

However, you do have to sit down and talk about it, in order to create a road map for success.

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