A message to trucker wives from a trucker's wife husband (yes the trucker)

by rottie

Ladies,as i sit here doing a 34 restart and talking to my wife on the phone she told me about this web page. I am married to my soul mate, she is my rock, sometimes she goes with me.

For those of you that have been on the road know all the mess we deal with out here, company lies, dot, shipper, consignee, trying to find somewhere to park after the day is done. My days are somewhere around about 13 hours long.

The thing that hurts me most though, is not being with my loving wife.

I do know how all of you all feel, but ladies, 90% of us on these roads love our family,and are doing what we should be doing, not screwing around.

Now there are some that do put just cause in your minds to wonder. You might have a bad one that doesn't mean that all of us are bad.

So go with your man when you can, be there for him when you cant.

Two hearts one love.

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Nov 18, 2011
by: C.Watford

Thank you Sir I needed that, My husband is a hard worker and returned to trucking after 15 years, says its his calling. We have been married 4 years w/out children and a womans mind goes a little crazy when she is all alone. God bless and maybe someday we will meet up.

Jul 11, 2011
Truckers Wife
by: Chu

Thank you Truckers Wife Husband.. I agree with you whole heartly....Stay safe out here and keep the shinning side up...:)

Jul 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

That was nice to hear from a trucker. Thanks for sharing.

Jun 13, 2011
Check it out
by: Anonymous

The Greatest men on earth are faithful truck drivers. Your not alone in these wonderful thoughts and comments.

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