A landscape supply co. in northern Ohio looking for owner operators in 2011, what's the best place online to find or advertise?

by Doug
(Independence, Ohio )

A landscape supply company in northern Ohio is looking for 6 axles,quads, semis & walking floors for our 2011 season. We make bulk commodities such as topsoil,mulch..etc.

We only deliver locally. I want to know where I can find these truckers looking for work. Any particular website to look at?


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Dec 12, 2010
Placing ads online looking for owner operators
by: dennis shipman

Life as a trucker is a good start. I would place an ad in Truck Paper also. It has wide distribution and, as such, is read locally and nationally. Make sure you ask drivers where they seen your ad. Additionally, the ads are free. Best of luck. 10-4?

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