6 Months In As A Truckers Wife

by A.L

My Husband Has Now Been A Trucker For 6 Months And Running In Teams I've Gone With Them One Time Which I Must Admit I Had A Blast Minus The Bathroom Situation (Not Great) But You Learn To Adapt Quick

His Co-Pilot Was Super Nice We Had A Great Time I Admit I Loved It So Much I Hate Staying Home I'd Rather Be Out There With Them Even With The Minor Things I Didn't Like

But I Loved To See The Places That I Otherwise Would Prob Have Never Got To See And As Most Wives Who Have Been Around This For Years Have Said The Best Way To Really Understand Is To Go And See Yourself So I Did Just That.

Now We Still Have Our Days Where We Don't Get Along But No Where Near What It Was At First.
We Communicate Better And When He's Driving We Talk About The Bible Which To Be Honest Helps Us Both Deal With The Distance And Build On Our Marriage.

After My Ride Along I Learned That Yes I'm Sure There Are Still Lot Lizards But I Never Saw One And We Went To Las Vegas Which Was Pretty Much Where I Figured They Would Be The Most But Nope Only Thing I Saw Was A Man Trying To Cleaning Truckers Tires For Money.

I Admit I Didn't Care For Vegas Not My Thing I'm A Country Girl So Not A Fan Of City Life But It Was Interesting (To Say The Least)
At First I Was A Little Angry And Felt Left Behind And I Admit I Was Very Much Freaked Out But I've Adapted And So Did He..

So My Advice (Yes Still Learning)
One Day At A Time.. If You Fight Take A Breather Think It Threw Because There Is A Fine Line Between Life And Death And No One Wants A Angry/Stressed Out Trucker At The Wheel..

God Bless All Our Truckers And There Families Lord Knows In The Trucking Life Is Not Easy :) A.L

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Feb 09, 2017
Only 6 Months and Already Well Seasoned
by: Hervy

Seems like you have learned a lot in a short time A.I.

Thanks so much for sharing with us that inspiring experience of you becoming more insightful from riding OTR with hubby.

I hope that you will continue to shine your light on other trucker wives, drivers and the industry.

People need to hear about these positive relationships because much of the general population assumes that all drivers are pigs and all relationships are in turmoil.

So it does the entire industry good to hear about happy healthy relationships.

Take care,

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