45 years old and thinking of becoming a trucker

by mike
(chester county pa)

hey thanks for your time, my name is mike i've been an exterminator for the past 11yrs i get 45k a year, the company has been making a lot of changes i'm thinking of getting out and becoming a trucker even if its less money for the first few years, one of my concerns is i'm 44years old i had a small heart attack when i was 32, but you would never know it to look at me , i see a heart doc twice a year they tell me i should live a long life, will this stop me from passing a physical to get hired an get my cdl again thanks for your time mike

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Oct 17, 2008
Medical Issues
by: Anonymous


Although I think Crazy has answered this question with more information than I can. My husband just recently obtaining his CDL (In Pennsylvania) had a medical issue when starting as well. My husband suffers from VERY high blood pressure.

When he took his exam, they gave him at first a 90 cert. In which time he had to get his blood pressure (150/99) under control. We took him back to our family doctor who did do just that. When he went back to recert, it came down drastically.

It was still not where they wanted it, but it was down significantly and they recerted him for 1 year. Since the constant medicine has been in his body, he has dropped to normal, and will recert in December.

At that time he will receive the 2 year cert.

I would not worry about it since you are under medical care. They are looking out for the best interest of both the driver, and the general public.

You should be good, just stay on your med's, and take your medication with you when you go to take your physical.


Oct 08, 2008
Thank you
by: mike from pa

thank you very much for looking into that for me,you have a great web site if theres ever anything i can ever do for you let me know thans mike

Oct 08, 2008
Getting hired as a trucker with a medical condition
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hi Mike

Talked to DMV in North Carolina. They said as long as you can pass the DOT Physical then you are eligible to get your CDL's with regard to your medial condition.

Then I was like well I wonder if PA the same so I called them too at

(they are going to try to handle the call with the computer, just keep hitting the wrong options and they will forward you to a real person)

They said the same thing no problem.

I talked to Heartland Express and GTSC (Both are hiring in PA and they said that your age would not be a problem.

So my friend, I guess if you want to become a driver then it's nothing holding you back.

Get your DOT physical and get into training and out on the road, by the way Heartland and GTSC they require a year experience to hire.

Good luck Mike let me know how things turn out for you.

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