3 little boys discovering their equipment - while dad is away

by Jaime
(Taunton, Massachusetts)

Ok, now this is no fair. I always figured that my husband would be the one to explain the finer workings of our son's male equipment to them.

James, my husband, has been gone 4 weeks. During this period of time I have had to have a "talk" with two of my boys after I realized that they "discovered" themselves.

Son #1 would shut himself up in his room for a half hour or more when it was time to get changed for bed. Now, he's only 7 and when a 7 year old shuts himself up in his room he is usually up to no good. So I go peak in the room and Whoops! There it was. Later I had to speak with him and explain things. difficult as it was to do I had to commend him for exploring in private.

Son # 2 wanted to go to bed early. He is 4. I went to check in on him and he was cuddled up with his blanket to his ears and he was smiling like I've never seen him smile. Assuming he was up to no good I pulled the blanket off him. Once again, Whoops! Same deal explanation and commendation for being private.

James had better be home to deal with number 3!

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Jul 28, 2011
by: TruckerYitz

wow kids grow up fast these days. i think i was older then that age when it started changing from just a peepee squirt gun.. lol.

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