Your health as a trucker and the family tree

by Hervy
(Greensboro NC)

Your health over the road

Your health over the road

Some doctors are quick to prescribe medicine for symptoms but they don't tell you so quickly about how to address the root cause.

There is an important term that you should know called epigentics. It points to the fact that your family tree doesn't affect your health as much as the environment and triggers that will influence whether your genes express a condition or not.

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, your genes are neither on nor off. They are there waiting on a signal which will determine what happens to a great degree.

So if you have the habits and thoughts that produce an environment for the cells that is conducive to the condition, then you give the condition a green light.

If however, you are doing things to promote health and you believe (and have reason to believe) that you will be healthy, that goes a long way to promote resistance to the disease.

A lot of drivers develop poor healt habits while trucking and we blame the end result on trucking or the genetics. We have to get above that.

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May 16, 2017
It is important for people to know
by: Hervy

We have to learn more about how our m8nd and body operates. We have to learn more about tak8ng care of ourselves naturally.

Epi-genetics is an important term for truckers and trucker wives to be aware of.

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