Win cup disgraceful detention pay

by Stacy
(Alabama )

If you are an owner operator you can understand how important good time management is to being a successful business owner and time is mone.

Well just the other day I picked a win cup load up in Edison NJ and it took 4 hours to get loaded.

Then I arrived in Jackson Ms for the delivery and it took 6 hours for them to offload me so I call the broker to get a revised rate con and the process took another 3 hours before I received a $50 detention pay.

I called him up and said “is this some kind of joke” really I did lol he said they only pay after 4 hours of sitting I feel like I just gave away 10 hours of my time for 50 damn dollars.

Well I told him don’t ever in his life offer me a win cup load again well that was my morning how are you drivers doing out there stay safe and happy holidays to all my fellow drivers.

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Dec 22, 2018
Lonely no more
by: Brandy

Needing ride south anyone need company

Dec 21, 2018
I drove several hours to pick up a load and
by: Hervy

After getting there an hour early was told "we don't need you guys today!"

Huh. Could call and tell me earlier?

Well on this one I got $150. However, I've had those similar yours too Stacy so I know exactly how you feel.

Thanks for sharing. Will be watching for those Win Cup loads lol.

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