Will open container and speeding ticket keep me from trucking

by Chuck

Will any company hire me with an open container ticket. I received the ticket in my personal vehicle before I got my cdl license. I had a clean mvr before the ticket. I actually received 2 tickets, 1 for speeding less than 10 mph over and the open container. No alcohol involved, I was spitting in an old beer bottle. I gave the city cop some lip so he did me a favor and wrote up the open container. Nice of him huh. I did not realize that it was such a serious ticket and just paid it. Now after paying for school and going for training at a large trucking company, becoming a solo driver, I was let go for insurance purposes. I have searched for a job but that ticket is killing my chances at truck driving. Any leads will be helpful. Thanks.

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Dec 31, 2016
2nd chance company
by: Deplorable

Carolina Cargo will probably hire you.

Feb 04, 2016
Don't have a lead for you
by: Hervy

Sorry to hear of your situation Chuck. Really not much help with those two recent charges. The open container is bad. With the speeding, it is a killer.

Your explanation for getting the ticket will only hurt you if they believe you.

If you are asking why, the reason is because your attitude is something that a good trucking company will also consider.

So you have the open container which is illegal. Then you had a bad attitude toward the police. Plus you were speeding in the first place.

They will assume that poor judgment on that many accounts all in the same incident is not someone that they want to put in a truck.

I am simply trying to give you the employers perspective, not ragging you for what happened. I am sure, that you learned already from what happened.

If you find a trucking company that hires you, pay close attention to them. Could be a little shady. If you don't get paid the first payday, be alarmed. A few bad apples (rogue companies) will try to take advantage of a driver with a bad record because they feel you are desperate and they can drag you on for free work for a while.

Not that it is common, but I have seen it more than once. Shady owner operators mostly.

Best of luck

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