What Kind of Testing is Prime Trucking Doing now UA or Hair?

by John smiley
(Clive Iowa )

Call me a Doper or what ever, I am not thin Skinned and i know thats not the reality for me.

Long Story short i was at a Friends house, and Grabbed a Coke from the Fridge, I found about about 2 sips later that there was something wrong with it. It had been Brought back from Colorado and had the Bottle Switched in case he was pulled over or what ever.

Needless to say i have been More cautious about what i eat or drink from Friends i Know that use cannabis. This was about 30 days ago.

I never gave it a Second Thought till i was talking to a Recruiter at Cr englend and she mentioned a Hair test. Urine have not been worried about as i get tested about every 1-2 weeks for work and with the exception of the week it happened i have not ever failed a test. Hair i read stays in for months, which is a problem.

My current employer understood when i told them before the test it was going to be dirty, like a full week before my team got tested.

I just don't see a company buying it since they have no history with me and can not look at the 3+ years of clean test.

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Jul 08, 2015
hair testing for dot NEW
by: Anonymous

I just called dot at 2;45 pm on 7-8-2015 and asked the assistant director of dot if you refused to take a hair drug test would your employer or perspective employer at a trucking company have to turn you in. He said that there' nothing to turn in cause it's not a dot test

Jun 30, 2015
UA or Hair NEW
by: Anonymous

A trucking company will ask your previous employers what your drug screen history was, which your former employers will have a record of. If they were clean then just have the new test and see what the results are, if all you had in the drink was a small amount and not drugs on a steady basis your hair test may be negative. If there is a question if the test comes back positive, explain in a calm, professional manner, the story that you wrote earlier, especially the part about not doing it again. Try anyway, don't panic and see what happens.

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