what drug test does crst do

Just wondering about the testing there

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May 10, 2015
Why Do Some People Act Like Jerks? NEW
by: Anonymous

The above response is how closed-minded individuals see the world. They see the world as black and white, good or bad, yes or no. They're not intelligent enough to see the world is many shades of not only grays, but colors. Unfortunately for the trucking industry, not much education and world experience is required, so people like the above individual are able to get trucking jobs and might be able to do it well. Another unfortunate aspect is that they're usually the most vocal and end up forming the image of the trucking industry that many likely candidates see. Probably discourages a lot of people who would benefit trucking and the world from a rewarding career.

Let me shock this individual here with some truth he/she may not be smart enough to comprehend. Drug users and former drug users get, hold, and thrive in careers in every possible field. Drug users also screw up in every field. The absolute same goes for non-drug users. Some thrive, some dive. The world is like that whether you believe it or not. Funny thing is, the individual above probably drinks. If he does, he is a drug user. Plain and simple and has no ground to stand on when he calls other people "dopers." What an A-hole. And I mean him to take that as personally as possible. People like him get no respect from me. I quit a hardcore meth addiction 13 years ago. I used the needle for 6 yrs I still have more brain cells than he does.

I'm exploring a career as a truck driver myself. It seems to be a great career to have while earning a THIRD college degree, which I plan to do online over the next 4 years. I was a paramedic for 9 years, and have pulled a bunch of truckers (many as shallow and closed-minded as the one above) out of life-threatening situations. I've done Xrays and MRI's and been in crazy situations in surgeries in hospitals in CA and TX. I've been homeless and lived in country clubs. I am also a "doper." I put down the hard drugs many years ago but still enjoy smoking cannabis on a daily basis. I am the antithesis of the "lazy stoner" (To that idiot above, that means I don't match the stereotype). And, as I'm sure will come to his horror, there are millions like me who enjoy smoking cannabis at home after a long day at work, just like you enjoy your ice cold beer, yet continue to thrive and live honorable lives. The difference between us is, while he may not take illegal drugs, it didn't prevent him from becoming an A-hole, which is a fate much worse than being a "doper."

The original poster may be asking for many reasons. Maybe he he used to smoke years ago and quit, but is worried that a hair follicle test may bar him from a career he might do even better than the non-"doper." Maybe he, like me, is a current pot smoker and wants to know which drug test he's gonna have to work on fooling (I can tell you after being in the medical field for so long, yes you can fool them easily. Even the hair test. I know how and it's the reason I still work).

What's my point? Don't be so quick to be so judgemental. People like Mr. Clean here are what's wrong with the world. Original poster...Good luck on your career. Stay safe, have fun and live a good life. Mr. Clean? I don't give a s*** what you do because you're an A-hole. In fact, I'm gonna go ahead and commit now to becoming a successful truck driver and pot smoker, not just because it fits my life right now, but also to throw it in your face. Out there, there's someone better, smarter, more educated, more honorable, and hell...more handsome than you. And he's high right now. I wish you could see the captcha I have to type to submit this post. It's "corona." So lets all drink a toast to Captain Sober and smoke one for the road.

May 04, 2015
Drug Testing NEW
by: Anonymous

if you are clean and not a doper, why does it matter what form of testing they use. Seems to me like your questioning it as a user would. If you are, do us all a favor and stay off the roads...

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