What big companies do hair foliclle test?I'm clean and Christian but had my ups n downs

I want to work for FFE,Schnieder, or a large Co.

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Dec 01, 2015
would like to have that list myself NEW
by: Anonymous

Schneider and knight is all I know of.

Jun 20, 2014
Fat and high blood pressure NEW
by: 2005 JD

How's this. If the industry is REALLY and TRULY concerned about safety why are there so many SUPER FAT drivers and diabetics. Smoke and mirrors that is it. There should be a BMI, that stands for body mass index, dr, de, drrrr..., limit. Then half of you posting would no longer be endangering the public by stuffing your face not exercising and then having a heart attack or stroke while driving. My last company had two drivers die while driving. Yea, surprise they were both like 3000 lbs. What a joke. Don't yea know 2leaders of the free world admitted being pot smokers and 1 a cocaine user. Does that count as a job that encounters safety issues from time to time. Good bye dummies.

Jun 20, 2014
Internet and Idiots NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been reading all kinds of experts on drug abuse, with their one liners everyone has heard before, what a bunch of nannies. Why did you go into trucking if you are so smart? Anyway, companies can not report hair follicle tests. They can only use them in house. Hair follicle testing has a weakness: it will test one positive for being, "in the room," and do not say that it does not because you will just be sounding stupid. You know like a stereotypical trucker.
Anyway, I smoke all the time and always pass my hair and urine tests. Been doing it since 1994.
Oh yea, and by the way. Stupid people are easy to brain wash: like y'all. Mz. Reagan said just say no and now y'all just regurgitate, that means vomit, the same lies and misinformation all over yourselves.

May 27, 2014
worry about yourself NEW
by: Anonymous

Im sorry man i dont know either.

To the person that is makeing that guy feel bad, worry about yourself. Ever heard the sayi.g taught by our parents.... if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all.

May 12, 2013
ask them?
by: Anonymous

If you feel you are ready and want a shot at changing your life just by driving trucks just ask them yourself, what are you afraid of?

When you have to secretly ask strangers for answers to these types of questions....maybe you need a little more work on self and being honest about your addictions......just saying

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