Went to CDL school for 3 weeks and missed parallel

by Joseph Ehl
(Florence, Al)

Alabama, Florence, I have CLP and went to school for 3 weeks in Gary, Indiana. I missed parallel first exam then offset on second.

I was able to do both well at the schools pretest but struggled at the actual test site.

I can drive safely and I know the pretrip and Airbrake tests well for Indiana. Because of this I was told they only allow us to test twice and now I’m obligated to pay them back in full without a job. They told me if I get my cdl on my own, they would rehire me and work out a payment plan.

I don’t have a truck to use for testing and pretrip here in Alabama may be a little different than Indiana’s. Any help would be much appreciated.

I feel I have put myself in a corner owing 7500 for school and no CDL and without a truck I have no way to test.

I would be able to pay going rate.

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Dec 05, 2021
Nearby CDL training
by: Hervy

Joseph if you don't get in touch with someone else, call ESD CDL training to see how much they will charge just to let you attempt to test

or just practice backing.

Also PAM transport will hire with no upfront charge for driver. (Not exactly free)

I understand you already owe for training that youve have but if they won't let you train again, maybe these are last resort options.

If an owner operator near you doesn't contact you.
CDL training Decatur AL

Moulton AL CDL training

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