Want to work for a better trucking company

hello my name is Mr James Billingsley I am 46 years of age and I have a two yr old DWI that was in my personal vehicle and it seems to be nearly impossible to find employment driving a anywhere.

I just quit a job at a place that I have been working prior to this dwi , and he mistreated me by forcing me to drive over hours never allowing the 10 hour break to take place, sometimes driving 15 hours per day because of this DWI knowing that I can't go anywhere else Plus driving trucks that should be shot down by d.o.t so I quit January the 19th 2014 and now I am unemployed and he feels and probably knows that I will not be able to work anywhere unless I work back with him and driving illegal and driving illegal trucks.

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Nov 18, 2014
Mrbillz NEW
by: Anonymous

Thx driver you are right! I'm actually going back too work for him but it will be definitely be difficult to run those hrs of service without being pulled over and officers finding out that I've been on the road 16 hrs over my driving time but that's what I have to do. It's been 3yrs now since dui. And the sad thing is I LOVE TRUCKING WITH ALL MY HEART an I made a mistake an now I feel like what I love doing I can't really do any more comfortably BUT in a semi I'm one of the best semi drivers ever NEVER EVER a problem in a truck because I truly take drivin in a big rig serious. BUT I forgot about the consequences in my personal vehicle . It's my fault!

Mar 08, 2014
Want to work for a better trucking company NEW
by: trucker yitz

as you realize that most wouldnt hire you, so you were glad to get the job.

now you dont want to do the efoort to keep the job that you couldnt get(but did)

guess that either you look at other careers or you put up with the junk in his illegal trucks and hours, as you werent legal either at some point too.

just remember that driving over 2 hrs more then once a week for onforseen traffic is a federal violation.

keep careful records and copies of dispatch, voice and text , and keep them forever, in case you get ticketed.

after three yrs at the job , it might get eassier looking for work, but some companies wont look at you till after seven yrs from a dui, and a good work experience.

good luck

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