want to know if Trans Am does UA or hair folicle test

I've just got my CDL and was thinking about going to work for TransAm and wanted to knw if they do hair or an UA for preemployment testing?

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Jul 04, 2017
hair or ua NEW
by: Anonymous

So is it a hair test or ua? Nobody answered the question.

Jul 11, 2015
Questions and answers NEW
by: Anonymous

asshole can you comprehend ??? If you don't understand or can't answer the mans question then shit the fuck up please and keep both hands on the steering wheel asshole he might be like me wasn't a altar boy all his life but now trying to change his life I don't need the bullshit with no hair test right now eiher ,maybe a few months from now .no need to waist there time or ours now do you copy that???

Apr 16, 2015
drug test NEW
by: Anonymous

If you don't use drugs, you've nothing to worry about!

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