trying to get a job

by jim
(austin tx.)

I have a felony on my record , I accept that. I am just trying to get a job so I can provide for my family, and I cant find any truck driving jobs.

If anyone knows any places that are hire felons , please let me know thank you.

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Jun 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

Try Swift or CR England get your experience for a year or two then move on to a better company. Don't be independent right away but learn the trade then try to go independent after 5 years goes by when you learn the ropes. I'm not a trucker but I'm talking to many people about the industry. still waiting on november that will be 7 years from the time I got off probation. That's what Swift told me to do. I got a felony for dui vehicular assault, was tried and sentenced in 2000 and got off probation November of 2004 so here comes November of 2011 and I will be driving hopefully! Whatever you do don't give up. And as always I urge all the truckers on this site to either back me up on this or tell me if I am wrong in my advice. I'm really nobody to give advice on here but just saying what I been hearing from friends that are truckers and from companies that I have talked to

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