Trooper Story

by Carl (American Trucker)

American Trucker

American Trucker

A cool Ohio State Trooper story.

It all started one night heading to Millwood, WV. from Romulus, MI. I received my late start on the run as usual due to lack of freight. I was put in a hurry mode running about 60-62 mph down US 23 south in Ohio. I would say I was about one mile north of Delaware city when I noticed at the last minute a State Trooper with a fellow freight jockey on the right shoulder. There was no way to get over so, I reduced my speed to 50 mph. As I passed by the capture in progress, (Let me note). I don't know if you have ever heard of Ohio State Troopers looking like they screw there hats on tight before but, it is a common saying for exp. east coast and mid west truckers. I looked in my passenger mirror and seen the Troopers hat blow off about 20 feet into the road. If you could see the look on his face,dead at me in my mirror, you just can't help but bust up. I thought for sure he would come after me. Luckily I was not pursued after.
Remember to always speed safe...

Carl (American Trucker)

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Aug 16, 2010
Get away
by: American Trucker

Glad i got away to.could have been deep trouble.

Aug 16, 2010
by: NickV

Always speed safe...I LOVE IT!!!! I seen that happen once before but it was on 40 goin through OKC and hell yeah its funny! I respect them guys and luckily havent had to many run ins but you cant help but chuckle when one of them Mount Me hats go blowin off one of their heads. Their faces, their reactions, their plan of attack to get it back, its all like watchin a funny show. Maybe we are just trying to break the monotny of the road but yeah I agree with ya. Glad ya got away driver.

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