The Creeper

by Alan
(Kelso, WA USA)

This website is the best site for info, thats for sure! I just learned about it yesterday, and I've been back on it several times since then. (been a long night!)

Anyway...I just got out of school back in December of "08". I have a class A with all the endorsments (TX) Finding a job is not easy so far. I have an "unclean" background. I took your advice and went to the Chamber of Commerce today to see if they had a list of companies that hire felons. They don't. They actually had no clue what I was talking about. Dosn't matter. I'll find a job. My background isn't what's holding me back. It's the lack of experiance. Can't get a job without it.
But my chin's up! And my chest is out!
Thanks to your site....I'm a little more "truck" savy, and learning more everytime I come back.
Thanks for doing what you do.

Kelso, WA

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Jun 04, 2009
Hell, yeah, Creeper
by: Jimmy

Congrats Creeper. Good things happen to good people.....Now, just stay with it.... Jimmy

Jun 04, 2009
by: The Creeper

Thats right....I got it today. I go OTR on Monday!
Thank you for the support. It was a lot of work, But I found a guy that looks past the "past".

Jan 29, 2009
Alan's walking tall in Kelso
by: Jimmy

Damn, you sure got a good attitude Alan. You'll do just fine with that kind of attitude. Are you wanting local work or O.T.R.? As you are aware, the economy is in the doldrums right now. If you live near any truck stops, get on down and mingle. In other words, you want to be a trucker, well go where the truckers hang out. Ask questions, take notes, find out any and all that you can about companies, good and bad.

But be prepared to get an earful, good and bad. Start calling companies, it might take a while. Do not rule out taking a dock job at a trucking company. That will lead to a driving job, guaranteed. Be bold, be different, be daring, be innovative! Go get 'em tiger.

Keep in touch. Jimmy

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