Taking care of your health while on the road?

by John
(Altadena, CA)

To all you truckers, I want to go on the road long haul truck driving but I have high cholesterol so if I need to have it check every three months, first taking blood at a Doctors office then a results visit about a week later.

Is this possible to do while on the road. Anyone out there have to do something like this?

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Nov 06, 2010
Heart Health over the road - Lower your blood and cholesterol
by: Hervy

Hello John,

Man they told me to take blood pressure meds and Cholesterol meds years ago. I never opened the bottle. Instead, I stopped eating meat altogether for about 2 months. When I started back I only ate Tuna. I was a heavy beef eater though so I knew that was a major contributor. If you already regulate your red meat you may have something else that pushes yours higher.

Anyway in addition to that read the info on this page and the link about the diet I ate from this page.Staying healthy on the road as a trucker

P.s. I am not saying you shouldn't take your meds I am simply pointing out how much of a positive impact your diet and exercise can make.
I never had to take those pills and my cholesterol and blood pressure is still good.

I eat what I want now but my regular every day diet is a healthy one. When I want a burger I will eat one but that is less than 1 a week simply because I know how long it stays in the gut fuming and rotting and feeding bacteria seeping waste in my system and poisoning my body.

(did i help you lose your appetite for meat?)

So I eat mostly beans, a wonder food that is not highlighted enough in my opinion.

any way to the link above for the rest of the story... (as Paul Harvey would say)

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