Swift Transportation Accused of Shortpaying Truckers

Hagens Berman has filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of all employee truck drivers against trucking company Swift Transportation. The lawsuit seeks recovery for an alleged years-long practice of shortchanging drivers for the actual miles they drive from location to location. Learn more about the class-action lawsuit against Swift Transportation here: http://bit.ly/dcZWr4

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Dec 14, 2013
Shortage of Trucker Pay NEW
by: Anonymous

I literally policed my miles with Swift and had my DM physically route me through selected cities because I knew what their system was doing and got wise to it. One my trips started in the San Francisco, CA area and I had to pick up near Half Moon Bay, CA. The only CA legal route was going over on CA 17 to Santa Cruz then back up on CA 1. I then had to pick up in the south bay thus reversing course once again and I knew I would be cheated out of miles if I didn't police that trip. The final destination was Pueblo, CO and I was willing to take a slim loss on that one and threatened to quit if the miles didn't come close to what I was expecting.

Swift can easily base their miles off Google Maps and MS Streets and Trips however they need to account for miles where truckers have to loop around cities such as Atlanta, GA. If they are making drivers sign off on the Household Movers Guide system of compensation, then all I can say is that drivers should quit on the spot and hold Swift accountable for trying to short them mileage.

Suprised that Swift is still in business to this day.

Aug 04, 2013
Short paying NEW
by: Anonymous

I think one of the reason why swift is getting sued as opposed to the other companies is they didn't disclosed to the driver, in writing, at the time of employment that they were paid Household Mover guide miles. It usually wasn't until after a couple of runs that it is usually discovered when a new driver is calculating his miles and then having to ask his or her driver manager why all the pay wasn't paid.

It was about February 2011 when we had to electronically sign a statement acknowledging the household mover guide miles or face being put on safety hold.

Feb 12, 2013
Short miles NEW
by: Anonymous

I drove 61 miles to pickup load. Then 96 miles to fuel, then 366 miles to final. Paid for 30 empty, 350 loaded, that's over 25%. I believe they are shorting miles purposely to increase profits. Oh and never deviated from their GPS route.

Nov 19, 2010
by: Hervy

I thought all companies short paid drivers!

Just joking. This is very interesting.

Ok, I just did some lite research. I was right with the joking.....

The shorting that the lawsuit is about infers nothing corrupt or improper about Swift exclusively. It is about the software that they use, which is what most companies use.

This software pretty much guarantees that drivers get shorted about 10 percent on the trips they run.

My point is that Swift is not the only one that does this. So don't think that Swift is particularly bad because of this lawsuit.

They are being sued because they have so many drivers that the amount of money would be enough for a lawyer to take the case as a class action.

Maybe this will make carriers pay based on actual miles though instead of promiles. That would be a few more dollars each week on our checks.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

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