Stuck it out at Palmentere in Kansas City

by Transparent
(Fargo, ND)

Glad I Stuck It Out!!!

I'm currently with PBC and REALLY like the new changes. They had a bad safety rating and hired the safety director that ran Knight's terminal in Kansas City, KS.

After being with the company for 3 months he called DOT and invited them back three months early to re-audit (like who does that!!) They came in and raised palmentere's rating to satisfactory! I talked to a lot of current & former Knight drivers and they loved this guy.

The higher ups at pbc have made a lot of changes in a good direction. He has revamped the entire safety program and actually cares about his drivers. Don't get me wrong though, if you jack up expect him to call you out. He doesn't deviate between drivers or office employees, he got rid of a dispatcher like his 3rd week there.

I like working with him and like being at pbc more now with the changes they've made. PBC has raised their pay based on experience, safety, etc..

Like I said, I don't disagree with prior things about pbc but glad I stayed and toughed it out! I would honestly invite any of my friends to work here now.

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Mar 10, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the input on PBC

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