Sounds like washington DC has been to reading for tips

The latest actions of DC to create the illusion of being responsible more responsible about the next bailout money distribution makes it sound like they read the page I wrote just after the first part of the money was given away. (The usage of exaggeration to illustrate a point, it might as well been given away) here's key words from that page click on it to see the entire page.

Throwing 850 billion dollars at an economy sick with a virus will not cure it either. And if the 850 billion dollar medicine is not properly administered it won't even make things recognizably better.(Do the same people and institutions have access to this money in the same way as they've had access during the build up of this problem? If so how can there be confidence in the market? Can't even get a placebo effect without reason to believe the medicine will work. Right now the players in the game are not confident that the 850 billion dollar medicine will be effective.

Maybe, just maybe what is needed to increase confidence is a show of fiscal responsibility, a change of policies and regulations that would close loop holes that enable extortion, abuse and embezzlement

This time, if they follow through with making the people who receive the money show what will be done with the money I guarantee you more money will reach the states and communities and there will be a little more stability and little less suffering.

(Just a little of course, it will take a while for things to fall in place but it is a start in the right direction.)

By end of year we will see some improvement in the economy and I will get a job as economic adviser. LOL

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Sep 07, 2015
illusion is, as well as the DC NEW
by: Micheal Elijah

Your status determines how persuasive your illusion is, as well as the DC for the impending confrontation verify help me with my hw 10 + rank.

Apr 24, 2010
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