Ronnie Charlotte NC 3yrs exp. wants OTR job

by Ronnie Morgan
(Midland, NC)

I have 3 years experience I do have a past like everyone else I live near Charlotte, North Carolina. I am interested in OTR or a local Dump Truck Company. I have felony on my record but they are 12 years old. Back when I was in my early 20's.

I have had no trouble except for a speeding ticket in July 2009 on my motorcycle. I would be interested to have a chance to prove myself to your company I am a hard worker. So give me a call.

My name is Ronnie Morgan 704-506-7333

Always have been ontime delivers for the past companies that I have worked for.

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Mar 26, 2010
same ole story
by: Anonymous

You ain't by yourself, it seems the insurance companies and trucking companies don't really care that there are hundreds of qualified drivers available and the requirements keep changing to eliminate as many potential drivers as they can, no doubt you are as good a driver and worker as anyone and deserve to be able to employ yourself in the career you choose, but the fact is the corporate machine has too much control and we are only useful if we can help them prosper, best of luck to you and don't give up, the unemployment rates have a large contributing factor of truck drivers and many more are trying to get into the industry from other lost occupations

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