Recent Trucking Student Grad

by Chrisnova Braswell

I had troubled past,some felonies in my early 20's.Convicted of drug possession almost eight years ago.Since then I have not had so much as a traffic ticket.

I've held job for seven years,not missing a day of work never was late.I recently graduated from truck driving school and seeking employment.I've learned the value of hard work ,and will be an asset to any one who gives me a chance.

Response: Sounds like you turned around pretty well Chrisnova. The industry has a lot of pressure for what they will accept as a background these days. The good thing for you is the most severe is so long ago, but the 8 year possession will weigh heavy and combined with the rest may be enough for automatic passover.

Having said that, the only way you will know for sure is to knock on a lot of doors and get the feedback.

One of the best routes for you would be to check with the smaller companies who will may actually look at your life after the charges to see what you have done.
Check here small and local trucking companies

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