real trucker ladies don't use CB

by big yellow pete girl
(portland oregon)

Trucking since 1995.solo in Peterbilt 379,avoid large truck stops,dress appropriate,stay away from CB but when have extra time to kill check some places like go to gym,find local yellow pages and treat yourself to a day spa,massage,haircut,find local market load up on healthy items,clean your truck,cook something,go shopping, church or relax and read good book.

trust me you will feel better,live longer and one more thing: always have warm clothes,goose dawn blankets, don't rely on APU they breakdown too.

I'm driving commercial trucks since age 24. back then nobody had cell phones or APU had to learn how to survive or fix my own truck chain up and keep on rolling I love living and working in Western US. I visited almost every skiing resort. I do this when passes get shut down.

I'm 39 now and still trucking and love it,staying healthy and away from CB

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May 06, 2012
Smart Lady
by: Flowerbomb

I will take your response to heart. Thank You

Apr 28, 2011
having a blast on the big road
by: Hervy

big yellow pete girl sounds like you are having a blast on the road! I really like your attitude toward making the best out of your life as a trucker more than one dimensional.

I am sure you help to open the eyes of those you meet who might have assumed a slight different opinion about drivers.

Keep on trucking!

You might want to contact the mother trucker casting if you have any desire for the limelight.

Apr 27, 2011
Not a trucker but.....

I am not a trucker but a truckers wife and I like what you had to say! Hey I hope if you did need help out there you would run across someone like mine. He is the big brother that we all love!

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