PRIME INC. Seeking Positive or Negative feedback in reference to leasing .

by Michelle
(Kent, Ohio)

Tenfo !! (LOL) Good Moring. This is honestly the best site I'v seen if you'r looking for the "real truth" If one is thinking about a career in the Trucking Industry.

I am a happy wife and mother of a truck driver. At this time my husband has been driving with a local well known company for the last 16 1/2 years and a sad as reality is due to our economy he may lose his job, our income has been cut weekly by about 25%.

We are a younger couple( mid 30's) with 3 gr8 children 18,13 and 11. We as a family have done the "Over the road for MONTHS at a time" years ago when he 1st got his CDL and yes, It was not easy nor fun for any of us.

After a few years of gaining the experience he was hired with the Company he's with now. My Husband has been looking for another job, but he can't find one making even close to what he makes now as a local driver so he really don't have much of a choice and he's looking into the over the road/leasing and he's look at PRIME INC. which is the reason I searched your page.

I have questions about the company itself let alone their leasing agreements, dispatch and the list goes on. So, can you tell me anything positive or negative about PRIME? I did READ a lot on another page ~RIP OFF REPORT.COM and there was a few bad and negative comments about the company and their leasing agreements.

I support my husband with the decision he makes and I know he would never make a bad choice when it comes to his family, BUT A COMPANIES ARE KNOWN TO MISLEAD DRIVERS IN SO, SO MANY WAYS AND THEN THERE FU**ED.

I am just doing what I feel is necessary as his wife and mother of his children and looking for any information that may help with the choice and if leasing is really profitable or not with PRIME.I also know you have to "Run" to make that money.

I got on the computer this 3 A.M. with so may questions and concerns about o/o's and I was able to find most of my general question's and answered buy reading many of you're helpful topix.

Looking forward to reading you're reply. God Bless and have a wonderful and safe day.
Michelle Kent, Ohio

Comments for PRIME INC. Seeking Positive or Negative feedback in reference to leasing .

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Aug 07, 2011
by: rogerrabbit

To start off my opinion there r no gr8 companies its who's bs u can tolerate the most. I've bn driving otr 4 20yrs the longest I've stayd with a carrier hs bn with prime. Over 6yrs I've bn here an on 3rd trk. I've hd my ups an dwns bn quittin 4 yrs an im stil here. U hv 2 not b scared 2 voice ure opinions with dispatch an let them no ure the Bos they work 4 u an u can fire them at anytime. If ure not happy with dispatched get a new 1. Prime hs opend a new local account n bellvue oh. O/o-lease only 1400-1600 wkly home 3-4 nites a wk its tanker theyl train u. I run reefer cross country as I said this is my 3rd trk I own this 1. My dispatch askd me y I bought instead of lease. My reply was if u pi** me off I can take trk an leave. An u can on their ACE lease. To sum it up its ure dispach that makes u or breaks u not comp as a whole dis ain't workn fire them.

Sep 25, 2010
Prime robs money from there drivers
by: Anonymous

You can't depend on prime to be honest about anything they will put you in a class so you can read your settlement they hide deductions from 1 page to the other they will break it off in your ### how you think they got such a nice terminal with all the money they pencil whip there drivers with its true. Run from prime they will steal from you your settlement will be wrong but prime is always right JW

Aug 15, 2010
by: fuzzy focas

this is only my opinion, bt in this economy I feel a lease is a bad choice. ya you make the money, IF they give you the loads and it dont take much to piss them off so ya dont get the loads. late one time? to bad your f***ed. you or he will have to lie on the logs to kep good woth them. to tired to drive? to damn bad. cant make your lease payments? your problem not theres.

Apr 11, 2009
by: Anonymous

go back to rip offs I posted with all numbers to back up AVOID NEW PRIME INC.

Dec 15, 2008
Feed back on Prime Inc
by: Ruth&Earl Orbock

My husband and I have been team drivers with Prime almost 8 years, 2nd Big Rig and we couldn't he more pleased with the company But that's just how we feel, you have to weight the good and the bad with Every company.

There is for sure money to be made, Remember~You bought it and truck brought it and as a Wife of a Trucker you surly understand.

God Bless and best wishes to your family.

Ruth Orbock, AL

Dec 15, 2008
Now, That's what I call devoted.
by: Kevin

This lady needs to reach other wives to think ahead just half as much as she is.That is what I call A devoted and loyal wife and she's even a smart one who has more brain power then my truck,((LOL)).

I personally don't know much about PRIME other than I see there trucks on the road so someone's making money. Smart to look ahead and keep in mind that the stories you were talking about are most likely fabricating the truth 50%.

Good luck
Kevin, Ma

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