Prescribed suboxone - How should I explain it to Dr.

by wannabe trucker

I have been on suboxone 5 years now and have been doing really good. It saved my life and my marriage. I am a born again Christian and have been looking into trucking companies to drive for but, I don't want to disclose that I had a addiction to opiates do to a knee surgery in 2005.

I went through rehab and have not used any other drugs since I just want to know should I tell them I'm on it or should I just keep it to myself?

It is really bothering me because I don't want to lie but then again if I disclose that I was addicted then who will give me a chance?

I'm between a rock n a hard place. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Apr 13, 2016
by: wannabetrucker

Hey man I'm in the same boat I to am worried about it I have several job offers but haven't pulled the trigger because I'm afraid they'll find out I'm prescribed subs and end my career before it gets started.

I really want this one job but they do hair test and don't know what they test for I have a legal prescription but afraid the mro will call and tell.

If uve since found employment let me know the outcome k.Thanks

Apr 05, 2016
Thanks to HIPPA....
by: Anonymous

....You are NOT obligated to disclosing that information to ANYONE!

There are a lot of truckers that might have what are considered "dirty little secrets" but if the doctor that gave you your Medical Cert and tested your urine is good, then you are too.

You won't test positive on Sub or any other synthetic "Opoid"

You may have been addicted to opiates, but at this time you are not using opiates and the DOT test is not geared toward Suboxone, Methadone, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone or any other "opoid"

You need not disclose this info.

On the other hand, if you are involved in a fatality accident (God forbid) and even if it is NOT your fault, you can indeed expect a crafty attorney to dig up your private medical records, but for now, keep on truckin' and worry NOT!

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