Pilot Flying J to Renovate and Update its 4,000 Showers - Launches National Contest to Find "Best Shower on the Interstate"

by nthompson

I just came across this press release about Pilot Flying J and thought I would be good to pass along!

06.10.2011– Pilot Flying J has announced that over the next 24 months, significant capital investments will be made to improve the shower experience for its trucking customers.

“Showers are one of the most important things to professional drivers,” said Mark Hazelwood, Executive Vice President of Sales and Development for Pilot Flying J. “Professional drivers live on the road and truck stops are their home away from home. The importance of showers has been prevalent in all our research –- from surveys to posts on social media and in conversations with our customers.”

Pilot Flying J’s research has shown that professional drivers want good water pressure and temperature; modern shower fixtures; large, thick towels; and a sense of security in the showers. But, most important, they value cleanliness.

As part of the research, members of the Pilot Flying J organization have visited and showered in a number of Pilot Flying J facilities and at a number of Pilot Flying J’s competitors. “We found that cleanliness is absolutely the number one thing that makes or breaks a good shower,” Hazelwood said.

Through training and employee incentives, Pilot Flying J is emphasizing cleanliness, he said. The company has implemented an “Own A Shower” program through which every shower in the company is assigned to an individual team member and general manager. Those individuals are responsible for
a specific shower and are rewarded for outstanding results based on professional driver feedback and internal inspections.

From Memorial Day through Labor Day, professional drivers stopping at Pilot Flying J locations may participate in the “Best Shower on the Interstate Contest.” Through this contest, drivers will be allowed to vote every three days on the best shower they have experienced in a Pilot Flying J facility. They will be asked to use a five-star system to rate cleanliness, temperature, water pressure, and other shower amenities. Every time they cast a vote at a convenient on-site kiosk, professional drivers will be automatically entered in a contest to win free Pilot Flying J coffee for a year.

“Pilot Flying J is committed to providing the best experience possible for every professional driver in each of our 4,000 showers and we are applying significant resources to make this happen,” said Jimmy Haslam, president and CEO of Pilot Flying J.

Pilot Flying J’s capital investment will go to renovate and upgrade showers with new tile, fixtures, lighting, and hotel quality shower heads. The company also recently upgraded to large new towels and will offer other amenities to improve the shower experience.

“Professional drivers have a difficult job and are away from home for long periods of time”, said Jimmy Haslam. “We want to help make their life a little better by providing them a clean, hot shower like they might get at a nice hotel or at home.”

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Feb 24, 2012
Pilot Flyig J Updated it's 4,000 Showers
by: David farrell

It's great that they are updating their showers, it's the water pressure I have a complaint about, ever since they went to the new shower heads they have installed,you can't get any pressure. I know they probably did this as cost cutting to save money on water.

I wanted to ask the suits that came up with this idea if they shower in the morning with just a trickle of water coming out? Second, after I shower I would like to sit down and put my boots on without having to sit on the toilet?

Anyone at corporate heard of a chair? I know you don't sit on the toilet at home to put your shoes on!

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