Petition to get rid of Hair Follicle Testing?

Anyone know if us truckers can start up a petition to get rid of hair drug testing in our industry?

I have heard different stories and read online about people failing hair follicle test but they had not did any drugs for 10+ years. This is ridiculous.

Also many others having false positives but did not or never even did any kind of drugs, only if prescribed by doctor. If the levels are low enough give a driver a chance but the cutoff levels are too too low for certain drugs.

Just wanted to know someone else's opinion. Thanks.

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Jul 13, 2020
Hair testing opinion! NEW
by: Anonymous

I agree 100% drivers should not use illegal drugs while on the job. I just think hair test are to sensitive and are sometimes not accurate. Even other drug tests are not accurate. People make mistakes and change though. I have seen so many posts about drivers failing hair test and they are not drug users. In my opinion if hair test become the main drug test for the trucking industry there is going to be a shortage of drivers later in the future. I also know that many people lie to on the internet, so you never know. Heck people have said that they have beat the hair follicle test and they are drug users. So either way drivers are going to get busted or beat the system some kind of way. I am going to continue to research on this matter and see how everything goes. I would love to hear others opinions on this subject please. Thanks

Jul 12, 2020
Changing the Hair Follicle Test
by: Hervy

You can start a petition for anything at change. org.

My thoughts are, I have never worried about it.

As far as changing it, I'd rather it become federal law for ALL companies to have it as long as you could test more than once for positives if the person wants to.

If he/she test positive twice, he/she pays for it.

Unlikely to be positive twice falsely.

I am not up on the particulars about it. If you can determine how far back the drugs were used and the feds say you can't disqualify a driver for use over 5 years ago I'm good with the test.

I'd rather catch more users and keep them off the road and take the chance of (unfortunately) snagging some unfairly than letting a bunch of users slip by and getting on the road.

Nothings perfect unfortunately.

The trend seems to be that hair follicle tests may become industry standard at some point but hey at least you can try what you believe is right.

Who knows, maybe you'll enough support and traction that it'll produce some type of results.

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