Out of prison and about to be off parole in MN. Married with new baby.

by Lucas La May
(Duluth mn)

I'm 39.in 2004 went to prison for kidnapping over drug money along with shooting,assaults,while in prison I beat up a guard badly.

i have class b with air brakes.i am almost off parole.i have been free almost 3 years no trouble.married 4 month old. Can I get a good job? is it worth upgrading to Class A?

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Jul 09, 2017
by: Anonymous

About Craigslist; make lots of phone calls and leave lots of messages. You'll probably get job offers pretty fast as long as you have the cdl-A

Jul 09, 2017
Off parole soon.
by: Anonymous

You can find a pretty good job once you upgrade to Class-A cdl.
Hervy mentioned Carolina Cargo because they hire felons and ex-cons.
PI&I Motor Express hires guys fresh out of prison.
Western Express
USA Truck
North American Midway Entertainment in Miami,FL
Also check Craigslist for cdl jobs plus put your resume on there. Plenty of 1099 companies will hire you and aren't too concerned about our past, as long as you have a cdl-A.

Jul 08, 2017
Getting hired with criminal background
by: Hervy

Hard to say Lucas with so much going on but it also beimg 10yrs old. I think it might help if you can find more you've done since being out to show you've changed (for your resume). More than just not been in trouble.

You have to offset all of that somehow. Volunteer at youth organization to share the lessons you learn to try and steer them in better direction for example.

Volunteer.org to find one or go to salvation army boys and girls club program director or library likely also have some kind of youth program that u can participate in.

Hey tell your probation officer what you want to do as well. He might know of program as well. Might even knw trucking company that will hire.

There is one here that might called Carolina Cargo. Its Rock Hill SC but thats a long way from you.

Just some ideas.

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